Rhythm & Motion website is down

Dear Dancers,

If you've tried to access our website or tried to contact one of our staff over the last two days with no success, you are not alone. Rhythmandmotion.com is down and we have been working with our hosting sites to resolve the issue. The process is taking longer than expected and we apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you. While we get things up and running again, we'd like to provide the following resources for you to stay connected with us and keep dancing:

To register for your favorite (or soon-to-be favorite) R&M livestream classes:
Please connect directly with our studio partners hosting our livestream classes via Zoom: ODC, Berkeley Ballet Theater, Motion Pacific, and Green Mountain Community Fitness. You can also sign up for classes via the MindBody app.

To register for our Rhythm & Motion outdoor classes:
Registration for the Monday, April 5 and Wednesday, April 7 San Francisco outdoor Rhythm & Motion classes will go live on Eventbrite on Friday, April 2 at 6pm PST.

(Please note: the Eventbrite link will be broken until registration opens on Friday at 6pm.)

To dance on demand:
Our Rhythm & Motion YouTube classes, lovingly recorded by our instructors in their homes, is available for when you need a quick dance snack or a full hour (or more) sweat fest.

Finally, while our rhythmandmotion.com emails are down, contact our "office" via direct message on either Instagram of Facebook. (While you're there, browse around at any photos or videos you may have missed.)

We hope to have this issue resolved very soon and will get the word out when that happens. THANK YOU for your understanding and we are so grateful for your support!

Stay safe and all the best,
The R&M team