Keep in touch, latest online classes and more

Keep in touch

As we near the end of week 4 of our shelter-in-place order in California, and as some of us celebrate the Spring, Passover or Easter holidays, we at Rhythm & Motion want to wish you and your loved ones “Hello,” “Happy holiday,” and “We miss you and hope you’re doing well."

Whether you’re dancing with us through our online Youtube videos, trying different ways to move, or taking a break because virtual living is not for you, we want to share a reminder to stay connected to Rhythm & Motion and reach out any time. Comment on a social media post, share a photo, or send us an email just to say, “Hi.” We’d love to hear from you and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We’re here if you need us.

In addition to connecting with us, connect with each other. Check-in on dance friends, ask about how others are doing and try to see and hear from fellow R&Mers. Invite people to virtual coffee, an impromptu R&M class watch party, or simply write a note. One of the strengths of the Rhythm & Motion community is knowing that someone is always there. As mentioned in a previous email, we may not always know each other’s names, but we know we can count on each other to uplift or inspire. We may not be able to be there for each other in person, but let’s carry our offline interactions and practices into our online living in any way we feel comfortable.

Be well and we'll be in touch again next week!

Much love to all of you,
All of us at Rhythm & Motion

Read the rest of the April 10, 2020 newsletter here.